Elliott Wave Technician April 2014 Investment Newsletter

We just posted the April 2014 Investment Newsletter. The highlights: – High tech opportunities – Short opportunities for traders – We have included Latin America as a regular section of the Newsletter. A great opportunity both intermeidate and long term in this market (Introduced in February 2014) And more in the newsletter.  Get the insightContinue reading Elliott Wave Technician April 2014 Investment Newsletter

Elliott Wave Technician March 2014 Investment Newsletter

We just posted the March 2014 Investment Newsletter. The highlights:  – A look at leading Chinese High Tech and their Elliott Wave structure. – We have included Latin America as a regular section of the Newsletter. A great opportunity both intermeidate and long term in this market (Introduced in February 2014) – As forecasted lastContinue reading Elliott Wave Technician March 2014 Investment Newsletter

Elliott Wave Technician February 2014 Investment Newsletter

We just posted the February 2014 Investment Newsletter. The highlights: – Updated Elliott Wave structure of all major markets – We have included Latin America as a regular section of the Newsletter. A great opportunity both intermeidate and long term in this market (New) – The Egypt stock market has been boomng strongly since JulyContinue reading Elliott Wave Technician February 2014 Investment Newsletter

Elliott Wave Technician January 2014 Investment Newsletter

We just posted the January 2014 Investment Newsletter. The highlights: – Updated Elliott Wave structure of all major markets – A large ending diagonal completed in two major world currencies = Turbulence to continue ? – 3  major commodity trading opportunities to be grabbed right now ! And more in the newsletter.  Get the insightContinue reading Elliott Wave Technician January 2014 Investment Newsletter

Elliott Wave Technician October 2013 Investment Newsletter

We just posted the October 2013 Investment Newsletter. The highlights: – Updated Elliott Wave structure of all major markets – Special currency section covering a long term view of Euro, British Pound, Brazilian Real, Japanese Yen and the Swiss Franc, as well as their relationship to the USD. – A few long term opportunities AndContinue reading Elliott Wave Technician October 2013 Investment Newsletter