Elliott Wave Technician June 2013 Investment Newsletter

We just posted the June 2013 Investment Newsletter. Highlights – Update of the long term Elliott Wave count on the Nikkei, US and European Indexes. Historical opportunities in all of them…. – The decline in Gold / precious metal prices since 2011 follow to the price pattern in the stock market during the 2007 –Continue reading Elliott Wave Technician June 2013 Investment Newsletter

Prediction for the current decline in Elliott Wave Supercylce (a)

By the time of Supercycle wave (a) low, America and the world will demand defense cuts as they never have before. Timing should be from the middle of the current decade where it should reach its intensity. The previous time in history this occurred was in the early 1930’s. Take a look at newspaper headlinesContinue reading Prediction for the current decline in Elliott Wave Supercylce (a)